在线赌博推荐 encourages you to get involved in community service by working with non-profit organizations in Concord and in the local community.
You can help give back to your community through the many opportunities 在线赌博推荐 offers. Fill out the Volunteer Inquiry form at the bottom of this page, and someone from the Office of Student Life will assist you.
Service Learning
We are committed to promoting service learning opportunities into course curriculums to enrich the educational experience and to provide meaningful service to the community. Service learning opportunities link theory with direct experience, giving you greater responsibility for your learning and developing a richer context by making the academic subject relevant to real-world experience.
Courses that have an integrated and formalized service learning component are designated on your college transcript by a notation of “SRV” in the course title, facilitating recognition of a national standard of collegiate service learning.
Community Service Partners
Every effort is made to include timely, factual information. This is intended to be a helpful listing, but not a comprehensive one. If there are errors, please contact the Office of Student Life at [email protected]
Alzheimer’s Association
Volunteers needed to assist with special projects.
Website: www.alz.org/manh/
Contact: (603) 226-5868 or email [email protected]
American Cancer Society
Volunteers needed to assist with special projects such as Daffodil Days, Relay for Life, and Making Strides against Breast Cancer events in the Greater Concord area.
Website: www.cancer.org/involved/volunteer.html
Contact: Holly Randall (603) 472-8899
American Friends Service Committee
This organization is a Quaker based social justice organization guided by the belief that every person has inherent dignity. The New Hampshire office works closely on the following issues of housing and homelessness, sweatshops and international trade, the death penalty, anti-war, and militarism in schools but are not limited to just these issues. Volunteers can come up with their own projects, help organize annual events, take part in local events, assist in the office, or take part in national campaigns.
Website: http://afsc.org/office/concord-nh
Contact: Youth Coordinator (603) 224-2407
American Red Cross
The Concord Chapter of the American Red Cross is launching a new medical transportation program that will help Concord area residents get to medical appointments. They are looking for about twenty volunteers who are willing to give one day a month and the use of their personal vehicle for this purpose.
Website: www.redcross.org/local/new-hampshire-vermont
Contact: (603) 225-6697 or [email protected]
Audubon Society
Volunteers needed to serve as greeters to visitors and to assist the maintenance crew with a variety of tasks including raking, building bird houses, recycling, anything!
Website: www.newhampshireaudubon.org/
Contact: (603) 224-9909 or [email protected]
Beacon Hospice
Hospice Puts Life Into Dying. Volunteers are needed to join our interdisciplinary team which includes an R.N. Case Manager, Social Worker, Inter-faith chaplain, Hospice Aides and Volunteers. Volunteers are truly the “Heart” of hospice. As a member of our care team, you will be included in a patient’s circle of caregivers, a rare and special privilege. Beacon Hospice volunteers receive a 4-Hour orientation and a 17-Hour comprehensive training for direct care volunteers which will prepare you to offer vital support. The training covers many aspects of hospice – such as The History of Hospice, The Medical Aspects of Hospice, Effective Communication with Patients and Families, and the Hospice Family. To make a difference in the lives of our terminally ill patients and their loved ones, please see contact information below.
Website: www.beaconhospice.com
Contact: Linda Manning, Volunteer Coordinator, (603) 224-2230 or [email protected]
Campus Compact for New Hampshire
Campus Compact for New Hampshire has volunteer opportunities available for people interested in administrative support and program organization. PC and Web Design is also a possibility for volunteers.
Website: www.compactnh.org
Contact: The Office of Student Life at (603) 230-4045
Capitol Center for the Arts
Music, Broadway, Opera, Comedy, Dance, Local Bands! Want to see a variety of great shows for free and also help keep the Arts ALIVE in Concord, NH? You can do this and more by volunteering at the Capitol Center for the Arts in Concord, NH. We are currently in need of ushers. It’s easy and fun, too. To get involved, sign up at:
Website: http://ccanh.com/volunteer/ , or
Contact: Cheryl Lampron at [email protected]
Centennial Senior Center
Volunteers needed to work their café, to assist seniors with the food trays if needed, and to deliver grilled items. Cashiers and meal servers are also needed.
Contact: (603) 225-9092
The Children’s Place
The Children’s Place is a nonprofit organization with only 5 paid staff that runs primarily through the hard work of volunteers. They have a childcare respite program that runs Monday thru Thursday 9-4 and Friday 9-2pm. There is a full time teacher on staff that the volunteers would work under the guidance of. The children range in age from 3 months to 6 years old. Most volunteer shifts last 2 hours a week and volunteers must attend a one hour long training and undergo a criminal background check before volunteering.
Website: www.thechildrensplacenh.org
Contact: (603) 224-9920
Concord Boys & Girls Club
Volunteers are needed to mentor and tutor club members during Power Hour – an after-school program homework room. Volunteers are also needed to serve as recreation assistants in the game room, teen center, and gym.
Website: www.concordkids.org/
Contact: John Clay (603) 224-1061
Concord City Prosecutor’s Office
Concord City Prosecutor’s Office is looking for volunteers, work-study students and interns to assist them with daily activities. By volunteering you will gain some important experience working with the court system and families, and you can learn a lot about yourself.
Website: www.concordnh.gov/index.aspx?NID=585
Contact: Tracy Connolly (603) 271-6407 or [email protected]
Concord Hospital
Volunteers needed to assist with various projects. You can choose the department or area that interests you.
Website: www.concordhospital.org/
Contact: Volunteer Services at (603) 225-2711 ext. 3069
Concord Regional VNA
An organization that would like to have volunteers for short and long-term projects such as patient care, assist in clerical duties, grocery shoppers, kitchen assistants and nurse’s station assistants. In order to work with patients, interested volunteers must complete an application, go through an extensive screening process, have a personal interview and complete a 10-week training program.
Website: http://www.crvna.org/
Contact: Volunteer Services (603) 224-4093 or [email protected]
Concord SPCA
The Concord SPCA is looking for caring people to spend time with animals feeding them, taking them for walks, cleaning their cages and playing with them.
Contact: Shanon Camara at (603) 753-9801 or [email protected]
The Concord Substance Abuse Coalition
If you are interested in volunteering and making a difference in the community, please contact us. The Coalition offers many opportunities for all to utilize their knowledge and skills.
Contact: (603) 223-2023
Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire
The Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire is a non-profit volunteer organization committed to taking the steps necessary to empower those who are victim/survivors of sexual violence, domestic violence or stalking, to assess their situations, and to make decisions which will free them from all forms of abuse. It serves the victim in crisis as well as the survivor with memories and fears. Volunteers are needed to be on our 24/7 crisis line, which is done from the convenience of your home and on a schedule that works for you. A comprehensive 36 hour training is provided free of charge. For additional information or questions:
Contact: (603)225-7376, ext. 228 for our Education and Outreach Coordinator.
Families in Transition
Do you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, have a go getter personality and want to help your community? Our OutFITters Thrift Stores are looking for students to take a leading role in supporting and managing volunteers at our thrift stores. We are looking for individuals that are outgoing, comfortable with talking to people, have computer skills, and most importantly, are willing to learn! Apply today to become a leader with Families in Transition!
Families in Transition (FIT), is a nonprofit organization located in Manchester and Concord, New Hampshire that helps the growing population of homeless individuals in our community. FIT has been committed to providing only the most innovative, comprehensive, and effective interventions specifically designed to help homeless individuals and families reach beyond the cycle of homelessness to lead healthy and successful lives. Our belief is that having a home is a basic human right and is fundamental to becoming an engaged and contributing member of our community.
Contact: Emily Melhorn, at [email protected] or call (603) 641-1143 ext. 357
Fresh Air Fund
The Fresh Air Fund is a non-profit organization that provides free summer camp to inner city youth. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have completed one year of college. Experience working with children is preferred. Staff should be energetic, flexible, comfortable outdoors and work well as a part of a team.
Website: www.freshair.org
Contact: (212) 897-8906
The Friends Youth Mentoring Program
As one of the four programs the Friends Program offers, the Friends Youth Mentoring Program provides children, ages 6-17, from Merrimack County with a mentor who serves as a positive role model and a supportive advocate. Our volunteer mentors help children gain perspective and access to new opportunities. Their abilities and life experiences are great assets to a young person seeking an important, healthy, positive connection. Mentoring has steadily been shown to help strengthen the life of a child at home, in school, and in the community and our mentors share how rewarding it can be to mentor a child in need!
Please contact Youth Mentoring Program professionals at 603-228-0108 for more information and to discuss how your time and talents can benefit a youth in our community.
Future in Sight
Hopkinton Boys and Girls Club
The Hopkinton Boys and Girls Club after school program is seeking people interested in working with 6-12 year old children from the hours of 2:30pm-8:00pm Monday through Friday.
Website: www.concordkids.org/
Contact: Bob Carter at [email protected]
Interfaith Refugee Resettlement Program
An organization that provides services to incoming refugees such as resettlement, case management and cultural adjustment, employment, health services and ESL classes, is looking for volunteers to assist a person with community orientation, teaching a person English, being an advocate in helping people with complex needs, and/or providing transportation to appointments.
Contact: Augustin Ntabaganyimana at 224-8111 or [email protected]
Love Volunteers
Offers over 120 rewarding, safe and affordable volunteering opportunities working with local organizations in developing countries around the world. Website: www.lovevolunteers.org
March of Dimes
Volunteers needed to assist with special projects.
Website: http://www.marchofdimes.org/local/in-your-area.aspx
Contact: (603) 228-0317 or [email protected]
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to interact with our visitors or work behind the scenes. Opportunities are available in Education, Visitor Services, our Science Store, and at special events.
Website: www.starhop.com/
McKenna House Homeless Shelter
Volunteers needed to assist residents, handle routine office work, answer phones, fundraising efforts, and register new residents. Volunteers also needed to organize donations, assist with fundraising activities and special events.
Contact: Lorrie Dale at 228-3505
Medical Reserve Corps
The MRC is an organization of both medical and nonmedical volunteers who assist in emergencies and help to promote health within their community.
Contact: Alyson Cobb at (603) 573-3319 or [email protected]
Merrimack County Attorney’s Office
The Merrimack County Attorney’s Office is looking for volunteers, work-study students and interns to assist with the Merrimack County Visitation Center. Volunteers will monitor visits between non-custodial parents and their children. By volunteering you will gain some important experience working with families and their children, and make a difference in the lives of the families you work with.
Website: www.merrimackcounty.net/
Contact: (603) 223-9907
Merrimack County ServiceLink
Merrimack County ServiceLink is looking for volunteers to help take inquiries directly from consumers and provide appropriate information-whether over the phone or in person at a primary site or satellite. There are also opportunities for Marketing and Public Relations Volunteers, Education Volunteers and Community Outreach Volunteers.
Website: www.servicelink.nh.gov/
Contact: (866) 634-9412
Merrimack County Visitation Center
The Merrimack County Visitation Center is looking for volunteers to supervise visits and exchange between no custodial parents and children. Volunteers will participate in on-site training and are also asked to attend a four hour monthly training session.
Website: www.merrimackcounty.net/
Contact: (603)796-6800
Merrimack Valley Day Care
Volunteers are needed to assist with classroom projects, outdoor play, meal times, field trips, and special events for school age children. Children range in age from 3-6. Volunteers are also needed to mentor and tutor elementary aged students in the homework center and assist with field trips, arts & crafts, and recreational activities.
Contact: Mary Jane Wallner (603) 224-1632
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Volunteers needed to help with the MS Journey of Hope walk in Concord, as well as other walk and bike events throughout New Hampshire.
Website: http://www.nationalmssociety.org/Chapters/MAM
All volunteer inquiries can be directed to Christine Heady, at 781-693-5113 or [email protected].
NH AmeriCorp
在线赌博推荐 Students who become SERVE-NH members earn an education award to help pay for college in exchange for service to their community. Members who serve 300 hours earn a $1000 education award while members who serve 450 hours earn a $1200 education award. Serve-NH Members currently serve with a variety of service partners including after school programs and a family literacy program. Members are also encouraged to create projects and get passionately involved in causes that are important to them.
Contact: The Office of Student Life at (603) 230-4045 or [email protected]
New Hampshire Association for the Blind
The New Hampshire Association for the Blind seeks individuals who are motivated to become a volunteer; are looking for a challenge and want to learn and gain valuable experience while making a difference in someone’s life. New Hampshire Association for the Blind located at the McGreal Sight Center in Concord has the following volunteer openings: Technology Volunteer, Clinic Volunteer and Greeters. Volunteers also needed for 1 year commitments to become a 1:1 Community Visitor, 1:1 Community Shopper or Volunteer Driver. All positions advertised remain open until filled.
Website: http://futureinsight.org/
Contact: Jean Jaworski (603) 224-4039 or [email protected]
NH Citizens Alliance
This organization works on issues such as campaign finance reform, economic security, fair and full education funding, health care and the environment. They are interested in having volunteers during election years. Volunteer opportunities include voter engagement work during the Summer of 2006 such as canvassers and data entry volunteers and helping coordinate direct actions and other events.
Website: www.nhcitizensalliance.org
Contact: [email protected]
NH Department of Corrections
This correctional facility is looking for volunteers to serve in many capacities. The supervisor of volunteers at the facility is James Vila. However, if you are interested or would like to find out more information please contact the individuals below.
Website: www.nh.gov/nhdoc/
Contact: (603) 271-5600
The New Hampshire Food Bank
Volunteers help us sort salvaged food that has been donated by local grocery store chains such as Shaw’s and Hannaford. The process involves separating usable from unusable food items and then sorting the usable items into categories similar to the ones you would find in a supermarket.
Website: www.nhfoodbank.org/
Contact: Nikki Phillips (603) 669-9725 or [email protected]
Peace Action of New Hampshire
This organization is a grassroots membership organization that provides outreach and education on peace and justice issues, organizes vigils and demonstrations, lobbies elected representatives, provides a quarterly newsletter and weekly email list of upcoming events, and provides opportunities for direct action. Volunteer opportunities include basic cleaning, organizing, recycling runs, fundraising via phone or mail, hanging flyers for events, and assisting with special projects.
Website: http://nhpeaceaction.org/
Contact: (603) 228-0559 or email [email protected]
Penacook Community Center
Volunteers are needed to mentor and tutor elementary aged students in the homework center and assist with field trips, arts & crafts, and recreational activities.
Website: www.penacookcommunitycenter.org/
Contact: Deb Cuddahy (603) 753-9700 or [email protected]
The Pittsfield Youth Workshop
The Pittsfield Youth Workshop is a nonprofit youth organization committed to providing programs and services which empower youth by helping them to develop useful skills, self esteem, and meaningful friendships, and by involving them in activities which are interesting, challenging, and healthy avenues to self discovery. Pittsfield Youth Workshop is looking for volunteers and interns to come by the teen drop-in center and be a positive role model.
Website: www.pittsfieldyouthworkshop.org
Contact: Zach Powers (603) 435-8272 or [email protected]
Riverbend Parent-Child Centers Home Mentoring Program
This organization is looking for long-term volunteers for a home mentoring program. Volunteers will be either a parent or child mentor after attending a 6-hour training session. There are also other volunteers opportunities with other programs at the Parent-Child Centers.
Website: www.riverbendcmhc.org/
Contact: Gale Kimball (603) 226-7505 X3445 or [email protected]
Rundlett Middle School After School Program
Part-time assistants are needed to help out during program hours (3:30 – 6:00 p.m). The assistants help tutor students in the homework center and assist with enrichment activities. Some of the enrichment activities include adventure-based learning, pottery, sewing, beading, teambuilding activities, arts and crafts, video production, etc. Volunteers must enjoy working with middle school students.
Contact: Michael Taylor – YMCA (603) 228-9622 or [email protected]
Second Start
This organization’s mission is to provide supportive, affordable and effective educational programs, including: adult basic education, job training and career counseling, education and training for at-risk youth, and child care services.
Website: www.second-start.org
Contact: (603) 228-1341 or [email protected]
Student Conservation Association
Volunteers needed to assist full-time Americorps members with trail building and maintenance.
Website: www.thesca.org/
Contact: (603) 543-1700
United Way of Merrimack County
The United Way of Merrimack County has numerous opportunities for you to contribute your time.
Website: www.graniteuw.org/
Contact: Tinker Foy at (603) 224-2595
VSA Arts New Hampshire
This organization is committed to promoting arts, education, and creative expression for children and adults with disabilities.
Website: www.vsaartsnh.org
Contact: (603) 764-9948 or [email protected]
Volunteer Inquiry Form
Contact Us:
Office of Student Life
31 College Drive
Concord, NH 03301-7412
[email protected]